Your roadtrip to a new national identity

Your roadtrip to a new national identity

Let’s talk about the ,,house speciality,, which is ROMANIAN CITIZENSHIP, a statement supported by years of experience and the dozens of satisfied clients we’ve assisted both individually prior to Door to Romania and as a team since we combined our knowledges into this project.

First of all, Romanian citizenship can be aquired in the following ways:

1. Birth
2. Adoption
3. Upon request

All citizenship by naturalization applications are conditioned by the mandatory requirement to have lived in the country lawfully, with a residence permit for Romania.
The applicant will also need to have renewed his or her residence permit accordingly (once a year or further apart, as per the type permit.


Children born on Romanian territory to Romanian parents are also citizens.

The same applies in case of children who:

a) Were born on the territory of the Romanian state, even if only one of the parents is a Romanian citizen
b) Were born abroad and both parents and only one of them has Romanian citizenship

A child found on the territory of the Romanian state is considered a Romanian citizen, until proven otherwise. If neither of the parents is known.


a) Discover your Romanian ancestors

We need to find out if one of your parents or grandparents were a Romanian citizen in the past.

Then, you need to discover if they gave up their citizenship or it was revoked by the Romanian authorities.

The historical Romanian territory also includes parts of today’s Ukraine and Republic of Moldova.

By law, citizenship may be regained by those who lost it without their fault, but also by their descendants up to the second degree (children and grandchildren)

In order to obtain Romanian citizenship, you do not have to speak Romanian, you only have to provide proof of your Romanian ancestry.

b) Get legal proof of your heritage

After finding out that you have a Romanian heritage, we will need to obtain certified proof thereof from the Romanian authorities. To this end, you have to provide all civil status documents to the Romanian authorities, for yourself and also for your ancestors.

c) Prepare your citizenship file

The file for regaining your citizenship must contain all the specific documents required by the National Authority for Citisenship.

– Your passport
– A criminal record certificate issued from your home country
– Civil status documents for your ancestors (birth certificate, marriage certificate, death or divorce certificate, etc)
– Written declarations
– Written proof regarding the loss of Romanian citizenship
– If you want to establish your domicile in Romania, you will also have to submit proof for your income and housing in Romania


A foreign national can obtain citizenship in Romania by adoption if the adopters are Romanian citzens.

If the adopted person is not a minor (over 18 years of age), his or her consent is required.

If only one of the adopting parents is a Romanian citizen, the citizenship of the adopted minor will be decided, by mutual agreement, by the adopoters. If the adopters do not agree, minor’s citizenship will be decided via court proceedings, by taking into account the minor’s interests. The consent of the child is required of he or she has reached the age of 14.

If the adoption application is submitted by a single person, and this person is a Romanian citizen, the minor acquires the citizenship of the adopter.


Citizenship is grated upon request to a stateless person or to a foreign citizen, if he meets the following criteria:

– At the time of the application, the individual is living in Romania, despite the fact that this is not his/her country of origin
– He has been lawfully living in the country (under temporary residence permit, for example) for at least 8 years
– Is married to and had been living with a Romanian citizen, for at least 5 years from the marriage date
– Shows proof of good behavior, actions and attitude, he/she is loyal to the Romanian state, does not develop or support illegal actions or those considered a threat to national security, cand declare that he has not been involved in such actions in the past.
– Is at least 18 years of age (had turned 18 years old at the time of the application)
– Has legal financial means to ensure a decent existance
– Is known to have a good behavior and has not been convicted in Romania or abroad for a felony that makes him unworthy of Romanian citizenship


Romanian citizenship is granted or reacquired on the date the individual takes the oath of allegiance.

The persons who have been granted or have reacquired Romanian citizenship shall take the oath of allegiance to Romania within 3 months from the date of communication of the order of the PRESIDENT OF THE NATIONAL CITIZENSHIP AUTHORITY.

After taking the oath, the commission issues the certificate of Romanian citizenship, which will be drawn up in two copies, signed by the president of the National Citizneship Authority, of which one copy will be handed to the holder. Both copies of the certificate contain security features and have photos of the holder attached.

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